Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days. Daily menu with kefir, fruit, recipes

Advertising drugs for extra pounds disrupt the balance of water and fat, worsen health. But it is an option and safe for health way to lose weight in 7 days - buckwheat diet. The menu for each day will provide a supply of essential nutrients, which the body immediately converts into useful energy, without putting it in fat reserves.

What does buckwheat use for weight loss?

Buckwheat is grown all over the world. From time immemorial, people have appreciated his taste and positive effect on the body. Porridge, raw green soups, toasted brown, whole, crushed grains give a long-lasting feeling of satiety due to many proteins and fibers.

Buckwheat starch is a slow (immune) carbohydrate that is resistant to digestion. Such starch is hardly absorbed, it is not delivered in fats such as potatoes or corn starch.

Intra-intestinal compounds contain starchy compounds useful for microbial flora, which is very important for the digestive and excretory systems, full adaptation of food, metabolism and water balance.

These properties are essential during the weight loss period when the normal amount of products decreases significantly. A rich vitamin and mineral complex helps to maintain the normal functioning of all organs and systems, good condition of skin, hair, nails.

Buckwheat saturates the body:

  • calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc and many other elements;
  • vitamins A, E, PP, group B;
  • useful acids - malic juice, citric acid, oxalic acid;
  • essential amino acids - lysine, arginine;
  • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Buckwheat is not deprived of its caloric content: in raw grains - 308 kcal / 100 g, in unfermented porridge - 110 kcal / 100 g. But given the long absorption, great conversion to energy, minimum fat content (3, 3%), this product was and remains a diet.

Benefits of losing buckwheat

Losing weight with healthy buckwheat foods has its benefits. If all the recommendations are followed, a settlement will be reached in the near future. Of course, it is not possible to overcome the weight of 100 kg per week, but losing 500-800 g per day is quite real.

Good buckwheat dishes preserve quality of life:

  • stomach is occupied by prolonged, peaceful digestion, without interfering with work and night sleep with hunger pangs;
  • The one-grain diet is fairly easy to tolerate, as it can be diluted slightly by calorie content;
  • there will be no weakness - consumption of natural proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, acid gives energy to the heart, blood vessels, brain, muscles;
  • gluten-free, sugar-free cereals make a wide variety of those who want to lose weight to participate in the diet.

Among the advantages is the moderate cost of buckwheat compared to special fat burners.

Disadvantages of buckwheat diet

Not everyone loves buckwheat and dishes. This can be an insurmountable obstacle. Not everyone is happy with the timing of the election. An important argument in this case will be the advice of nutritionists not to accelerate weight loss over 11 kg per month, so as not to stress the body.

Buckwheat Diet Rules

Losing weight is actually the treatment of an organism that suffers from metabolic disorders and forms alcohol fat reserves.

To standardize internal processes, the correction program must be based on a certain principle:

  1. The basis of the diet is divided into meals in small portions at the same time. After eating, there should be some feeling of hunger and lightness in the stomach.
  2. For one day, the total weight of buckwheat dishes in the amount of 800 g is recommended, at the rate of 150-200 g per meal.
  3. Food, undisturbed chewing is given for at least 20 minutes. According to the physiology of digestion, this is exactly how long it takes to get a feeling of satiety. After 20 minutes. it will appear even with a minimum eaten.
  4. The last meal should be planned 3 hours before bedtime.
  5. Water consumption is not limited - up to about 2 liters per day, between meals, alternating filtration, mineral water, green tea or herbal tea.
  6. Physical activity is essential, but not intense - walking every other day, light exercise, breathing exercises.

The one-diet diet is designed for no more than a week.

Buckwheat diet contraindications

contraindications to buckwheat diet

It is impossible to lose weight on buckwheat products only if:

  • pregnancy, feeding;
  • children, adolescents;
  • disorders, gastrointestinal disorders;
  • low hemoglobin levels;
  • severe avitaminosis;
  • problems with blood pressure, heart.

Allowed and Prohibited Foods on Buckwheat Diet

Few will live a week of dry porridge and there is no such need.

Gradually you can use:

  • unsweetened kefir, yoghurt;
  • fruit with more acid than sweets;
  • ber;
  • dried fruits;
  • darling;
  • non-nutritious vegetable in raw, cooked, boiled form;
  • vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice;
  • still mineral water, green tea.

A little olive oil is allowed in some dishes.

Should be excluded from the diet:

  • animal fats;
  • fatty meat products;
  • fat, red fish;
  • cheese, fatty cottage cheese;
  • sweets;
  • flour, confectionery;
  • potatoes, bananas;
  • sugar, salt, spices, sauces;
  • alcohol;
  • black tea, coffee, sweetened carbonated drinks.

Buckwheat with kefir: dieting properties

The combination of cereal with low-fat kefir softens the diet, cleanses the intestines, removes excess water, stimulates the body to burn fat in life.

Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days, menu for each day with 4 meals a day:

1. First 4 days of the week:

  • for breakfast - 200 g of buckwheat porridge steamed in the evening, a glass of kefir;
  • for lunch - 300 g of boiled porridge with liquid consistency, a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt;
  • for afternoon snack - 100 g of buckwheat porridge (whatever), a glass of kefir;
  • for dinner - 200 g of steamed buckwheat, kefir.

Buttermilk product can be drunk half an hour before a meal or poured into porridge.

2. Last 3 days of the week:

  • breakfast - buckwheat for the first few days, 200 ml of green tea;
  • lunch - buckwheat and kefir too;
  • afternoon tea - buckwheat too, a glass of yoghurt;
  • dinner - buckwheat, kefir too.

The same weight breakdown for buckwheat porridge is found in other diets, unless the exact dosage is specified.

Buckwheat with dried fruit

buckwheat with dried fruit for weight loss

Porridge does not seem so tender if you add dry fruit to it. Softer is enough to rinse, the harder - 10 minutes. drink in water. The viscous texture gives the long chewing needed to get saturation with a small amount. You can prepare the infusion - pour a few berries in a thermos with warm water for 15-20 minutes, so that the drink is acidic.

Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days, menu for every day:

  • breakfast - buckwheat, 3 pcs. dried dried apricots (cut into porridge or have a snack after a meal);
  • lunch - porridge, 2 pcs. prunes;
  • afternoon snack - a little liquid buckwheat, a glass of infusion with a few slices of dry apples;
  • Dinner - porridge with 5-6 raisins.

Similarly, alternate dates, figs, pears, cherries, plums or combine 2-3 types of dried fruit. This will provide an additional supply of vitamins.

Buckwheat with soy sauce

The diet is like those who can not tolerate it without salt. You need to choose the simplest soy spice, without any special aroma, spice. When you stand on the scales in the run-up to a quick success, you need to assume that salt sauce retains water. Fermented milk drinks, which have a slight diuretic effect, slightly increase hydration.

  • breakfast - porridge plus 1 tsp. soy sauce, herbal tea;
  • I snack - 200 ml of kefir;
  • lunch - porridge with the same sauce, 3 lettuce leaves, 200 ml of green tea;
  • II snack - a glass of low-fat starter culture;
  • Dinner - a portion of buckwheat seasoned with soy sauce, mint tea.

Buckwheat with vegetables

A varied vegetarian diet with porridge and raw, boiled, boiled or baked vegetables that are not nutritious will lead to weight loss if you follow the recommended dosages.

buckwheat with vegetables for weight loss

Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days, menu for every day:

  1. For 1-2 days, only 250 g steam vapor of dry raw material is allowed. The dish is ready immediately for 4 receptions or separately. For dessert - a glass of green tea, still mineral water of your choice.
  2. 3-4 days - 200 g of each cooked vegetable is added to each porridge. Let it be baked zucchini, vinaigrette with green beans, fresh parsley, dill, but without potatoes and oil;
  3. 5-6 days - the same amount of raw vegetables (carrots, cabbage, zucchini, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers) will replace. Single or mixed salad is seasoned with lemon juice. Carrots, cabbage, cucumber can be nibbled on after porridge, stretch the chewing process and rub the gums with coarse food.
  4. On the last day, it is allowed to season buckwheat, fresh or heat-treated vegetables with a minimum amount of olive oil (0, 5 tsp each). You can cook peppers stuffed with carrots and buckwheat and seasoned only with oil.

Buckwheat with fruit

It will not deviate from the intended goal if you combine buckwheat diet with fruits, berries, citrus fruits, with the exception of very sweet apples, pears, starches.

Example 1 menu:

  • breakfast - steamed porridge, a glass of green tea;
  • I snack - apple, a glass of mineral water;
  • lunch - porridge, a few tablespoons of tomatoes, cucumber salad;
  • II snack - grapefruit, 200 ml of honey water;
  • dinner - porridge, 200 ml of hot lime drink.

Option 2:

  • breakfast - porridge, a few tablespoons of vegetable dish without oil;
  • 1st snack - 4-5 apricots, a glass of herbal tea;
  • lunch - porridge, some raspberries;
  • II snack - 150 g of orange salad, grapefruit, pomegranate;
  • dinner - porridge, 3-4 lettuce leaves, apple drink (without sugar, boiled).

The diet can be varied, replacing strawberries, plums, grapes, cherries with each other - what is available according to the season, cost and according to taste preferences.

7-day strict meal menu buckwheat

sample of the buckwheat diet menu

The most difficult option is for those who love buckwheat and have endurance. The basic rule is to slowly chew all the vapor until the saturation is reached.

Nutrition is designed for 8 meals:

  • 7. 00-8. 00 (depending on the rise time) - drink 2 glasses of water slowly, you can use 1 regular, 1 mineral;
  • 7. 30-8. 30 - 150 g of steamed buckwheat;
  • 10. 00 - water glass;
  • 10. 30 - 150 g of porridge;
  • 11. 30 - a glass of berries and herbal tea;
  • 12. 30 - porridge;
  • 13. 30 - water;
  • 14. 00 - porridge;
  • 15. 30 - green tea;
  • 16. 30 - porridge;
  • 17. 30 - kefir 1%;
  • 19. 00 - buckwheat, water.

This is a daily meal plan.

Menu with mild buckwheat diet a week

A diet with a variety of supplements will cut your weekly weight loss results by about half. But if you are intolerant to sitting on dry buckwheat porridge, you should not get into a nervous breakdown.

Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days, menu for each day that reduces psychological stress:

1-3 days:

  • breakfast - 200 g of steamed breakfast cereal in the evening, 125 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 100 g of lean boiled veal, 200 g of green vegetables (fresh cucumbers, peppers, boiled zucchini), sprinkled with lemon juice;
  • afternoon tea - apple;
  • Dinner - 250 g of thick buckwheat soup with vegetables, pour soy sauce into a plate.

Day 2-4 is different for meals I and III:

  • breakfast - same porridge, 2 slices of hard low-fat cheese;
  • Snack - 125 g of plain yogurt.

5-7 days - according to the plan of day 1, only for breakfast the porridge is added to yogurt (a little more than half a glass).

Day 6 repeats 1. .

Stop the buckwheat diet

With weight loss, the stomach, stretched by overeating, is almost half. Without the usual variety and volume of products, the strength and composition of the fermentation secretion will change.

quit the buckwheat diet

Given these circumstances, at the end of the food week, you need to use the principle of baby food - to introduce additional meals one at a time, in small portions, which limit the salt and fat content.

This allows you to avoid stretching your stomach, condensing positive metabolic changes, normalizing food without symptoms of indigestion, stomach pain, liver overeating, upset stomach.

Introduce light meals every day, every other day:

  • vegetable soups in water with vegetable oil;
  • cooked vegetable dishes;
  • Salads of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, herbs, seasoned with refined oil and 10% sour cream - 1 teaspoon each;
  • porridge with tomato sauce in vegetable oil;
  • fruits, unsweetened fruit drinks.

From day 4 you can add to your diet:

  • lean meat, fish;
  • bran, wholemeal bread;
  • bitter chocolate, baby.

Within two weeks, the caloric content is increased to 1800 kcal, later - to 2000. A rich drinking regime and an early dinner are maintained. In the future, it is necessary to choose such an amount of energy value of a product in order to continue to lose weight or maintain the desired weight.

Diet success: results and feedback from women

Each of the above menu buckwheat diets for weight loss for 7 days will be removed from 3 to 7 kg.

According to reviews, women over 100 kg lose more centimeters. This is done by cleansing the body of excess water and ballast.

In women with less body weight, weight loss moves more slowly but has a direct effect on fat deposits. A good result was achieved by combining a diet and exercise of average strength - 10 minutes a day.

Young girls and women leave the diet with colored skin. After 40-45 years, drastic weight loss leads to sagging skin, new wrinkles.

Women keep in mind that psychological attitudes, the ability to divert food reflections through interesting activities, are important.

Physicians' review of food safety

Doctors have always responded to harsh, long-lasting and repeated dietary restrictions. Severe weight loss has a negative effect on the heart, blood vessels, general tone of the body. Monotonous food spoils the digestive system.

Given the usefulness of porridge buckwheat, nutritionists still believe that a one-day 7-day diet can be used to lose weight as the beginning of a change in a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition. In the future, it can be used as a separate fasting day in the program of gradual weight loss, which aims to speed up metabolism, reorganize the body into the right energy system.

If you start a weekly diet with buckwheat with headaches, dizziness, weakness, you will have to go back to a varied diet. It is only necessary to reduce flour, fried, fatty, sweet dishes and minimums and take an active part in physical education.

All possibilities of buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days are diagrams. To lose weight with pleasure, you can create a personal menu for each day and follow the basic principles of nutrients.